Average, Mean, and Median
Avg. Game Scores
Updates on the app
I’ve been making good progress on the app during the evenings and weekends. Here’s a roundup of the latest.
Question template development—I’ve been working on making the end results more reliable, focusing on things like…
Are there duplicate questions?
Does the hint text always make sense?
Is rounding, currency formatting, and math equation formatting correct—always?
Are the generated word problems sufficiently rooted in reality? eg: is there ever a tree that is only 16 inches tall, a bicycle that weighs 4,000 pounds, or a bank account with a $14 billion balance?
Flexibility—I added support for quizzes to be pulled from 1 of 3 locations:
Locally (relative to the root of the app repo)
From an arbitrary URL, somewhere on the internet
From an s3 bucket I’ve preconfigured
UI changes—more themes, and greater ease with adding new themes
Printing—quizzes have a print option that is producing pretty nice results. I’ll be keeping a close eye on this